Monday, January 20, 2014

Key West Sunset, Beach and Ocean Paintings by Arizona Artist Amy Whitehouse

12" x 24" Oil, $400
Day 20 of CHALLENGE 30/30
30 Paintings in 30 Days

Painting in the morning is SOO much better than painting in the evening.
Why can I not make myself paint in the morning more often?!
My painting buddy came over this morning with an extra hot latte
from my favorite coffee place (Village Coffee)
to paint!
So I had to paint in the morning and let everything else go...
It was wonderful, and I was so happy after doing this ocean painting.
Lots of juicy R&F oil pigment on this baby, so it will take a few weeks to dry.
If you want this one for your very own, please lmk:
To see more:

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